Atlantisite: Meaning, Powers, Healing Properties and Benefits

Crystal Malone
6 min readJun 9, 2024


In the vast universe of healing crystals and metaphysical practices, Atlantisite shines as a remarkable stone. Its mesmerizing hues and unique properties make it a favorite among enthusiasts and practitioners. But what is Atlantisite exactly, and how can it enrich our lives?

We will explore the meaning, powers, healing properties, and benefits of Atlantisite. So, let’s embark on a fascinating journey to understand this captivating crystal.

Atlantisite from

What is Atlantisite

Atlantisite is a crystal that combines the energies of serpentine and stichtite, resulting in a potent stone that harmoniously blends different vibrations. It is a powerful ally in personal growth and spiritual exploration. This gem grants us access to higher consciousness and helps us tap into ancient wisdom. Whether you are interested in emotional healing, spiritual awakening, or enhancing your vitality, Atlantisite offers a plethora of therapeutic benefits.

The Origin and Appearance of Atlantisite

Derived from its connection to the mythological lost city of Atlantis, Atlantisite reminds us of the hidden realms of our own consciousness. This crystal is mainly found in Western Australia and draws inspiration from the lush landscapes of Tasmania. Atlantisite exhibits a captivating combination of green serpentine intermingled with purple stichtite, forming a striking fusion of colors within a single stone. Its vibrant hues symbolize the harmony and balance it imparts to its users.

Atlantisite’s Historical Significance

While Atlantisite may not have ancient roots like some other crystals, its name reflects a symbolic link to the legendary city of Atlantis. The tale of Atlantis captures our imagination with stories of an advanced civilization that possessed immense knowledge and power. As we explore the realm of Atlantisite, we can tap into this mystical energy and primeval wisdom, enhancing our connection with our own existence and the universe.

The Geological and Elemental Composition of Atlantisite

As mentioned earlier, Atlantisite consists of two minerals that complement each other perfectly: serpentine and stichtite. Serpentine is a popular stone with healing and metaphysical properties, known for its associations with kundalini energy and regeneration. Stichtite, on the other hand, is a soft purple and green mineral that encourages compassion and love. Together, these minerals blend their elemental forces to create the synergy of Atlantisite.

Spiritual and Metaphysical Properties of Atlantisite

Enhancing Spiritual Awareness and Intuition

Building the foundation of spiritual growth, Atlantisite is renowned for its ability to heighten spiritual awareness and intuition. It acts as a key that unlocks doors to higher realms and ancient knowledge. With the assistance of Atlantisite, we can delve deeper into our spirituality, making the divine rather than the mundane a significant part of our lives.

Connecting with Higher Realms

Atlantisite serves as a bridge between our physical reality and the ethereal planes. By aligning with this crystal, we can enhance our connection with the spiritual realms and gain access to wisdom that transcends ordinary understanding. It facilitates communication with spirit guides, angels, and higher beings, allowing us to receive guidance and support on our spiritual journey.

Enhancing Psychic Abilities

The synergy of serpentine and stichtite in Atlantisite also stimulates and strengthens our psychic abilities. By working with this crystal, we can sharpen our intuition, clairvoyance, and telepathy. It assists in developing a deeper understanding of both ourselves and the world around us, unveiling layers of subconscious knowledge we may have otherwise overlooked.

Promoting Emotional Healing and Balance

Atlantisite’s influence extends beyond the realm of spirit, as it plays a significant role in emotional healing and balance. It assists in recognizing and addressing deep-seated emotional wounds, facilitating a journey of self-discovery and release.

Recognizing and Releasing Negative Emotions

Negative emotions can weigh us down and hinder our personal growth. Atlantisite acts as a gentle guide, helping us recognize and acknowledge these emotions without judgment. It encourages us to express ourselves honestly and authentically, allowing for emotional release and empowering us to let go of the painful experiences of the past.

Facilitating Forgiveness and Self-Acceptance

Self-forgiveness and self-acceptance are crucial steps towards inner healing and self-love. Atlantisite fosters a compassionate environment for these transformative processes, assisting us in forgiving ourselves for past actions and accepting ourselves as complete, whole beings. Through this newfound acceptance, emotional wounds can be mended, and a sense of inner peace can emerge.

Supporting Physical Healing and Vitality

Apart from its spiritual and emotional attributes, Atlantisite also aids in promoting physical healing and overall vitality.

Strengthening the Immune System

A robust immune system is essential for maintaining optimal health. Atlantisite contains energizing and rejuvenating qualities that stimulate and strengthen the immune system. It harmonizes the body and encourages its natural ability to heal, offering a boost to our overall well-being.

Assisting with Detoxification

Toxins in our body can accumulate over time and disrupt our energy flow. Atlantisite can come to our aid by assisting in the detoxification process. It supports the elimination of physical impurities and aids in regaining balance within our body. By removing blockages and restoring vitality, Atlantisite contributes to our overall physical wellness.

Chakra Associations of Atlantisite

Atlantisite has a profound connection with certain chakras within our energetic system.

The Heart Chakra (Anahata)

As the vibrational center of love, deep emotions, and compassion, the heart chakra resonates harmoniously with Atlantisite. This crystal can open and balance the heart chakra, allowing for a free flow of energy in this vital chakra. By promoting love, forgiveness, and empathy, Atlantisite helps us cultivate meaningful relationships while fostering self-love and self-acceptance.

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Opening and aligning the crown chakra is essential to accessing higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Atlantisite’s connection to higher realms and its ability to stimulate intuitive faculties make it a valuable crystal for activating and harmonizing the crown chakra. While wearing or meditating with Atlantisite, we can strengthen this energetic center, expanding our awareness and connecting with the divine.

How to Use Atlantisite in Personal Healing Practices

Atlantisite can be incorporated into various personal healing practices, allowing us to benefit from its powers. Here are a few ways to engage with this crystal:

Wearing Atlantisite as Jewelry

One of the simplest ways to keep Atlantisite’s energies close is by wearing it as jewelry. You can find bracelets, pendants, or rings featuring this captivating crystal. By wearing Atlantisite, you invite its energy into your personal space, assisting in spiritual growth and providing a continuous supportive influence throughout your day.


Atlantisite is an extraordinary crystal that offers an array of healing properties and spiritual benefits. From enhancing spiritual awareness and intuition to supporting emotional healing and physical vitality, this gem is a powerful ally on our journey of self-discovery and transformation. By connecting with Atlantisite, we gain access to ancient wisdom, embrace our true selves, and bring harmony into our lives.

FAQs about Atlantisite

1. Is Atlantisite a rare crystal?

While Atlantisite isn’t as commonly found as some other crystals, it can still be obtained through reputable crystal suppliers and gem shows. However, due to its unique composition, the availability of Atlantisite may vary, making it a somewhat rarer find compared to more mainstream crystals.

2. Can Atlantisite help with spiritual guidance?

Definitely! Atlantisite is renowned for enhancing spiritual awareness and facilitating connections with higher realms. By working with this crystal, you may experience heightened intuition, expanded consciousness, and a stronger connection with spiritual guides and higher beings.

3. How can I tell if my Atlantisite is genuine?

Authentic Atlantisite exhibits both the green serpentine and purple stichtite components. Ensure that you purchase your crystal from reputable sources and trusted suppliers who can guarantee the stone’s authenticity. Genuine Atlantisite is a unique fusion of colors within a single crystal, allowing it to be easily distinguished by its appearance.

4. Can I combine Atlantisite with other crystals?

Certainly! Atlantisite can be combined with a variety of crystals that resonate with your intention and goals. Stones such as quartz, amethyst, or rose quartz can be great companions to Atlantisite, intensifying its effects in certain areas of your life.

5. Can Atlantisite be cleansed like other crystals?

Yes, Atlantisite can be cleansed using various cleansing methods, including smoke cleansing with sage or palo santo, placing it under moonlight or sunlight, or using other crystal cleansing techniques such as sound or visualization. Select the cleansing method you are most comfortable with and ensure you cleanse your Atlantisite regularly to maintain its energetic purity.



Crystal Malone

My name is Crystal Malone and I’ve been a crystal enthusiast for as long as a I remember myself.